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圣诞、新年马上就要到了,给他(她)的节日礼物准备好了吗?如果手头不算宽裕的话,不妨考虑下面的这些小礼物——它们既贴心又新奇,而且还不贵!淘宝上都可以买到。 如果他(她)爱浪漫——情侣手套 Keep you hands and your heart warm with Smittens. Designed to allow two people to hold hands in one mitten, Smittens are the perfect gift for your spouse, loved one or favorite couple. Each set comes with one pair of regular size mittens, and one oversized mitten for hand-holding. Smittens情侣手套可以温暖你俩的手,也可以温暖你俩的心。有了它,两个人就可以在一只手套里拉着手了。情侣手套是送给爱人的最好礼物。每幅情侣手套都由一双标准大小的手套以及一个超大型的供两只手插入的手套组成。 如果他(她)爱运动——跑步助手 Find a new level of motivation with the Nike + iPod Sport Kit. Listen to your music while Nike tracks how far youve run, and how many calories youve burned. 拥有耐克和苹果公司联合开发的耐克鞋子的配套产品,你就可以达到运动的崭新境界。装上小配件,你可以在奔跑的时候听音乐,还可以通过耐克鞋中的传感器了解到有关距离、燃烧的卡路里等资料。 如果他(她)爱干净——皮包挂钩 Lab tests have shown that 1 out of 4 purses contain E. coli. Keep your handbag clean and germ-free with handbag hangers. These silver-plated hangers easily attach to any table or desk so you can fashionably keep your handbag off the floor and in sight! 研究显示,四分之一的皮包上面带有大肠细菌。要想拥有干净的手提包以及无菌的包包提手,那么这些包银的可以轻松挂在任何桌子上的小钩子可以让你时髦地把手提包挂在空中并且存在于你的视线范围之内。 如果他(她)爱时尚——DIY礼品 You can put your own picture, drawing or logo on lots of different items. I found a baby bib for $10 and a dog t-shirt for $19.99. 你可以把你的照片,画作或者某种标识印在各种材质的物品之上。我就见过DIY图案的10美元的婴儿围嘴以及19.99美元的狗狗T恤。 如果他(她)爱浪漫——定制相册 A customized hard cover photo album. Spend the time to find all the pictures you love and format it into a professionally web album. You get 20 pages with 240 photos and you can add your own captions. 你可以定制一本硬封皮的相册。花些时间挑出满意的照片,然后拷进专业的网络相册中。20页就可以放240张照片,而且你还可以添上自己的标题和说明文字。 如果他(她)爱环保——种树套装 A symbol of long life and memory, a tree is the perfect gift for your earth-conscious friends. The kit includes everything you will need to grow a tree. After 10-12 years, your tree will stand about 20 feet tall. 树象征着长久的生活以及记忆,把它送给热爱环保的朋友一定不会错。套装包含了栽树所需要的全部工具。10到12年之后,小树就可以长到20英尺那么高啦。 如果他(她)爱宠物——宠物 Ever wonder what your pet does when youre out of the room? See the world through your dogs eyes with Uncle Miltons Pet Eye View Camera. This mini video camera clips onto your dog or cats collar to give you a glimpse into your pets secret life. 你出去的时候是不是也很想知道宠物在做些什么?买了这个宠物眼,你就可以透过狗狗的视角看世界啦。迷你的摄像机就栓在狗狗或者猫猫的项圈上,这样你就可以一窥宠物的私密生活啦。

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