
《爸爸去哪儿》第二季热映,节目中孩子们的时尚造型吸引了众多观众。陆毅作为潮流爱好者,为女儿贝儿挑选了ASH运动鞋,这款红色边缘设计的运动鞋不仅舒适,而且充满现代感,让人忍不住想效仿。ASH品牌由意大利Leonello Calvani和Patrick Ithier于2000年创立,在短时间内就成为全球知名潮流品牌之一。它以独特叛逆的设计风格、奢华用料和精湛工艺而闻名,价格适中,使得追求潮流但又注重实用性的人群都能接受。

ASH最具代表性的款式是其坡跟运动鞋,它将舒适与时尚完美结合,成为了许多明星如麦当娜、海蒂·克鲁姆等人的首选。而在韩剧《想你》中,女主角尹恩惠穿着ASHPofollowed by a rain-soaked scene, which left a deep impression on the audience. This stylish and unique design of ASH shoes quickly became popular nationwide.

The combination of comfort and fashion in ASH's slope-following sneakers makes them a perfect choice for those who value both style and practicality. Whether you're looking to follow the latest trends or simply want to upgrade your shoe game, ASH is definitely worth considering.

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