villagers often called him a fool because of his innocence and simplicity. He believed that the world was just like their village, where everyone knew each other and lived in harmony. He never questioned the status quo or sought to change anything, content with his simple life.
To small-minded people, it is easy to label someone as foolish when they do not conform to their expectations. However, there is more to small than meets the eye. His innocence allowed him to see beauty in the mundane and joy in simple things. His lack of knowledge about the outside world made him curious about everything new.
The villagers saw little value in his way of thinking but could not deny its charm. They admired his contentment with their traditional way of life even though they themselves were slowly becoming disillusioned with it. As for outsiders who occasionally passed through their village, they found his naivety both amusing and disconcerting.
In a rapidly changing world where technology and information are increasingly accessible, small villages like this one will face many challenges ahead. The question remains whether those who live there will embrace progress or remain stuck in time as "that person from that village." Only time will tell if small-mindedness can lead to growth or if ignorance truly is bliss for all eternity