

head acne, usually caused by oily skin and hair follicle inflammation,

which can spread to the neck and back.

The red bumps on your scalp may be related to internal heat,

especially for those who drink alcohol frequently.

Drinking plenty of water and avoiding spicy foods like lamb, dog meat, and grapes

can help prevent these stubborn bumps.

Scalp acne is also linked to local immune system imbalances,

often accompanied by itching due to sensitive skin.

Treatments typically involve taking Chinese medicine,

such as anti-fungal pills or glycosides, which are commonly available at pharmacies.

If you experience recurring scalp acne, it's crucial to consider digestive issues.

Research suggests that many people with scalp acne have underlying stomach problems,

even if they don't show symptoms; a doctor's examination can reveal changes in tongue coating.

How do I deal with lumps on my scalp?

Keep your scalp clean! A dirty scalp leads to itchiness,

which often prompts scratching that damages the skin and worsens the condition.

This is particularly common among those with oily scalps;

regular shampooing prevents dirt accumulation while reducing oil production.

Eat less irritating food! Acne-prone scalps are already dealing with hormonal imbalances

and metabolic disorders; consuming more stimulating foods will only exacerbate these issues.

Opt for a balanced diet rich in water intake for better detoxification.

Change your shampoo: Some people discover their new shampoo triggered this problem;

try switching brands or types of shampoo to see if symptoms improve or remain consistent;

Perform gentle head massages: Regularly cleaning your head while ensuring its hygiene

promotes healthy metabolism within the scalp tissue during periods of restfulness;

wash hands before handling hair or applying pressure gently over affected areas

5.Failed self-care methods? Seek professional assistance!

If home remedies prove ineffective, consult a medical professional who might diagnose an overflowed sebum issue—common in cases involving dermatological problems like fungal infections.

Follow their guidance when using prescribed medications designed specifically for promoting metabolism restoration through treatments tailored individually based on assessment results from examinations performed at hospitals—do not delay seeking proper treatment!

This article covers reasons behind scaling on scalps alongside recommended maintenance practices during such occurrences should you find yourself constantly plagued by painful itching sensations emanating from raised patches atop your cranium—apply these suggestions proactively as per advice provided here:


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